Module 1: This section introduces the collector student to his or her responsibilities
under the DOT (Federal) regulations and other players in the collection process.
Collector training requirements are covered in this module, and details are provided for completing the required proficiency demonstration.
- Introduction
- Collector Training Requirements
- The Professional Collector
Module 2: This module outlines the requirements for the physical collection site and
addresses such matters as: procedures for securing the collection restroom and the collection site, as well as proper handling and storage of specimens. The collector’s duties in maintaining a secure collection site are addressed, along with a discussion of what supplies are needed for DOT collections. Donor identification requirements are also covered in this section.
- The Collection Site
- Collection Supplies
- Donor (and Collector) Identification
Module 3: This module covers in detail the proper completion of the Federal Custody and Control
Form (CCF).
- The Federal Custody and Control Form (CCF)
Module 4: This module takes a detailed look at the collection procedures, including pre-testing concerns. The collector is taught the correct DOT collection procedure in this section, step-by-step. Non-DOT collections are also discussed in this section.
- Collection Procedures
- Non-DOT Collections
Module 5: This module covers the shy bladder procedure in detail. The collector student will learn how to handle, document, and report an insufficient specimen situation.
- Shy Bladder
Module 6: This section details direct observation collections, including proper DOT protocol for handling direct observation situations and the proper way to document direct observation collections on the Federal CCF. The student will also learn how to handle temperature out of range and tampered specimens that require a second collection under direct observation.
- Direct Observation Procedures
Module 7: This module covers Monitored Collections and how to properly handle multi-stall restroom situations, including who may act as a monitor for donors. The proper way to secure a multi-stall restroom is covered in this section, as well as proper recording of monitored collections.
- Monitored Collections
- Multi-stall Restrooms
Module 8: Module 8 introduces the collector to blind quality control samples and how to prepare blind quality control samples.
- Note: As of January 1, 2018, Blind Quality Control Specimens are no longer required by the DOT Federal Rules.
Module 9: This module outlines the procedures for handling various problem collection situations including: What to do if the donor is injured; donors with catheters or urine bags; temperature out of range specimens; issues with insufficient specimen volume; specimens that are adulterated, substituted, or tampered with; handling Refusals to Test; and Public Interest Exclusions.
- Problems Collections
- Refusals
Module 10: This section addresses flaws in the collection process (both fatal and correctable). The collector will learn how to correct “correctable flaws”, and what the collector must do if he or she causes a cancelled test or fatal flaw. Error-correction training is discussed in this section. This section also covers what actions to take if the tamper-evident seal(s) are torn or broken during the collection process.
- Errors in the Collection Process
- Flaws: Fatal and Correctable
Module 11: The purpose of this module is to offer a study of several real-life scenarios that a professional specimen collector may face in the field. This section offers 17 true-to-life situations that a collector might face in conducting DOT collections and allows the collector student the opportunity to engage in critical thinking to address these situations.
- Scenarios
Important Note: You MUST complete the Procedures (Component 1) prior to the
Proficiency class (Component 2) (Hands-on training).
Collector Train-The-Trainer Module & Resources - (Optional for Approved Healthcare & Collection Facility Students Training Their Own Staff)
Students enrolled in the Collector Train-The-Trainer Course will complete all 11 modules of the Collector Training Course, plus an additional Trainer Module covering:
✅ The Role of a Collector Trainer – What it means to train and oversee new collectors.
✅ Training Requirements – Qualifications needed to become a Collector Trainer.
✅ Responsibilities of a Qualified Monitor – Ensuring compliance in the Collector training process.
✅ Trainer/Monitor Considerations – Preparation, materials, supplies, and training location setup.
✅ Classroom Management & Instruction – Step-by-step guidance on conducting a successful training session.
✅ Mock Collection Training – Hands-on instruction for completing mock collections, including all required forms.
✅ Documentation & Certification – Proper record-keeping and issuing certificates for trained students.
This module provides all the tools and resources needed to confidently act as the qualified monitor/trainer in conducting proficiency demonstration training for Specimen Collectors within your organization—ensuring compliance with federal regulations.
Note: Course organization subject to change.