DOT Specimen Collector Class Schedule

Hands on Training for Specimen Collectors

(Proficiency Demonstration with Qualified Monitor/Instructor)

Available!  Bilingual [English-Spanish] Specimen Collector webcam classes!

 ¡Clases bilingües [inglés-español] por cámara web para recolector de muestras de orina!

Federal Regulations mandate that professional specimen collectors complete two (2) training components before conducting urine specimen collections for Department of Transportation drug testing (49 CFR Part 40)Certified Training Solutions LLC offers the required real-time, hands-on Collector Proficiency Demonstration classes to complete your training & certification.  The collector student must complete the hands-on training in a way that allows for real-time interaction between the Instructor & the student.

The quickest and most convenient way to complete the hands-on training for DOT Specimen Collectors is to participate in a webcam class. Webcam classes allow you to complete your training Certification without the added hassle and expense of travelling to a training site away from your home or office.  Our experienced, qualified Collector Instructors work with trainees to ensure a successful and enjoyable training experience by webcam.  Webcam training for completing Component 2 (the Proficiency Demonstration) is low-cost and low risk.

Select your class below to REGISTER for one of Certified Training Solutions LLC upcoming DOT Professional Specimen Collector hands-on classes.  After successfully completing the hands-on class, in conjunction with our online procedures training course, the Collector student will be fully qualified to perform urine specimen collections for Department of Transportation (DOT) drug testing. 

Training Details & Requirements:  Before attending a Proficiency Demonstration class, the Collector Student must complete the online Procedures/Qualification training course. Click here for details regarding the online Procedures training. Our live classes cover the second component of DOT-required specimen collector training -- the proficiency demonstration. After completing the online qualification (procedures) training course, the Collector (or Collector Instructor) student must demonstrate their proficiency in DOT collections by completing five (5) consecutive and specific mock collections. Federal Regulations require that the mock collections must be error-free and completed under the observation of a qualified Monitor/Collector Instructor. Students successfully completing both components of the training are awarded a Certificate documenting their proficiency in specimen collections for DOT drug tests. Certificates are valid for 5 years, by Federal Regulation.

Course Details
Course length: 4 hours
Course fee: $260*

This fee is for the real-time training class (proficiency demonstration only) and does not include the online training course.

Note: It is highly recommended that you complete your ENTIRE specimen collector training (procedures/online course and the hands-on proficiency demonstration training) within a 30 day period.

Certified Training Solutions LLC reserves the right to cancel or change class dates if minimum class size is not met. In the event we cancel a class, a full refund for the live class only will be provided.

Course Fees

WebCam fee for one (1) student is either $260 or $360.  
The fee is $260 if you participate in a regularly-scheduled class date by webcam. 
The fee is $360 for a private, specially-scheduled session.​) Two or more students in the same session from your location on webcam: The fee is $260 per student; and training can be scheduled flexibly for 2+ persons.

Upcoming Live & Webcam Classes

On-site Training Classes Available at Your Location - If you have 4 or more collectors who need training at your facility, we can come to you! Please inquire here.
DOT Specimen Collector & Collector Trainer - Collector Instructor Proficiency Demonstration (5 error-free mock collections) with a Qualified Collector Instructor

WEBCAM Training - Please register here.~ DOT Specimen Collector & Collector Trainer - Collector Instructor Proficiency Demonstration (5 error-free mock collections) with a Qualified Monitor

Private Session (1 Person) Collector Webcam Proficiency Class.
Cost:  460.00 ( The Regular class fee plus $200).

Please Note: For the hands-on training you must show a copy of your Certificate of Completion proving you finished our online Qualification/Procedures Training course in order to participate in the live class.
Students are expected to provide their own DOT split collection kits and CCFs from their lab for use in class.

Collector web cam trainees must have their own supply of DOT collection (split) kits and Federal Custody and Control Forms (CCFs) from their laboratory.  If you do not have you own Federal collection supplies, you will need to set up your account with a lab and ensure that you receive your supplies before your webcam training.
If you do not or cannot get your laboratory supplies prior to the collector webcam training and if our supplies allow, we may provide them for you at fee of $45.00 per student (shipping and processing).

Find a copy of the DOT's Urine Specimen Collection Guidelines Handbook here (v.2018)


PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. Current pricing at time of purchase applies and may be different than listed on our website.