Ohio Drug Free Safety Program Training

Ohio Drug Free Safety Program Training: Certified Training Solutions, LLC drug-free workplace training for State of Ohio employers is now available to help you meet the Ohio Bureau of Worker's Compensation (Ohio BWC) Drug Free Safety Program Training Requirements for both supervisors and employees.

New course content added for 2025! This year's Spotlight Topic is:
The Dangers and Consequences of Drugged Driving
Plus, new video and audio segments added in the employee training course in 2025!

2-Hour Supervisor (initial) Training 

Only $29.99 per person

1-Hour Supervisor (refresher) Training 

Only $26.99 per person

1-Hour Employee Drug-Free Workplace training

Only $23.99 per person

Certified Training Solutions LLC is an Approved Vendor (training provider in the state's Program Directory) by the

Ohio Bureau of Worker's Compensation [BWC]

Group/volume discounts available!

Supervisor & employee courses

Ohio 2-Hour Supervisor (initial) Training
This course is geared towards supervisors who need to complete their "supervisor two-hour training" for the first time under the Ohio Drug Free Safety Program.  This course combines our full supervisor drug free workplace training for Ohio-based supervisors and our full Reasonable Suspicion training course. Included in the course are: Nine (9) training modules, 7 quizzes, and 3 interactive simulations. Certificate awarded immediately upon successful completion.

Ohio 1-Hour Supervisor (refresher) Training
This course is designed for supervisors that have already completed the 2-hour supervisor training upon initially.  Thereafter, Ohio State Rules require that supervisors complete one-hour of supervisor training annually. ​This course is a truncated version of the supervisor 2-hour course, and also includes several training modules, 7 quizzes, and 3 interactive simulations. Certificate awarded immediately upon successful completion.

Ohio 1-Hour Employee Drug-Free Workplace training
This online training course provides employees with information about the Ohio DFSP requirements, the importance of a drug-free workplace, the impacts of substance abuse, the employee's responsibilities in a drug-free workplace, and takes a look at alcohol use/abuse and several common drugs of abuse. This course contains 5 training modules and 4 quizzes. Certificate awarded immediately upon successful completion.

COST IS PER-PERSON (a separate course must be purchased for each employee/supervisor).
: The Ohio BWC Rules require that every employee -- including supervisors -- complete
an additional one-hour of "employee" drug-free workplace training each year. Therefore, ALL supervisors
should also purchase and complete the 1-hour Employee Drug-Free Workplace Training course.​

For more details or for a group discount quote, contact us click here.
Or call us at 1-307-640-5859


All courses provide an overview of the Ohio Board of Worker's Compensation Drug Free Safety Program.
Courses also include the following information:

  • Definition and importance of drug-free workplace.
  • Written policy for drug-free workplace and policy elements.
  • Confidentiality.
  • Supervisor/manager and employee responsibilities in a drug-free workplace.
  • Impact and costs of drug and alcohol use/abuse in the workplace.
  • Addiction and help for those with substance abuse problems.
  • Employee assistance programs (EAPs).
  • Documenting situations of drug and/or alcohol use on the job.
  • Reasonable Suspicion testing.
  • Confronting employees in drug and alcohol use situations.
  • Signs and symptoms of various drugs of abuse and alcohol use.
  • Details about common drugs of abuse (what they look like, how they are used, indicators of use).

The State of Ohio requires that employers participating in the BWC's Drug Free Safety Program provide the following training to supervisors and employees:

New supervisors: 2-hours of supervisory training + one hour of employee training (after all, supervisors are employees, too!). Therefore, new supervisors must have a total of 3 hours of training.

Refresher training for Supervisors: One hour annually of supervisor training + one hour of employee training. Total of 2-hours training annually required for "refresher" supervisors.

Employees:  One hour of training upon hire, and one hour of training each year thereafter.

As per Ohio BWC Regulations required supervisor skill-building content should include:

  • Behavioral observation aimed at detecting when an employee may be in violation of the employer’s DFSP policy and require an intervention before there is an incident/accident/injury;
  • Documentation of the behavior that suggests reasonable suspicion and justifies an intervention;
  • Appropriate and professional confrontation of the behavior that suggests a possible violation of the employer’s DFSP policy before there is an incident/accident/injury;
  • How to make referrals for testing;
  • How to make referrals for assistance including a substance assessment.

Ohio Drug Free Safety Program Training

Certified Training Solutions LLC is an Approved Vendor ((training provider in the state's Program Directory)) by the

Ohio Bureau of Worker's Compensation [BWC]

Click Here for the Ohio Bureau of Worker's Compensation (BWC) websiteand details regarding the
Program and Training Requirements.

Volume or group discounts:
Do you have 10 or more supervisors or employees that need training? If so, we are happy to provide you with a discount/group price quote.
This course is available for 30-days from the date of purchase. Upon registration and payment, students will have up to 30 days to complete the course online. Students may "come & go"  from the online course at their convenience -- it is not necessary to complete the entire course in one sitting.
All courses provide a Certificate for printing upon completion.
Our courses are not video based, rather, for a more active learning experience, online learners read & navigate the courses at their own pace.  Interaction is required frequently in the quizzes and interactive simulations.

Ohio Drug Free workplace training certificate Ohio DFSP training online certificate of completion

Sample Supervisor Certificate for Ohio Drug Free Workplace Training